Benchmarking Workbook: How to Apply Benchmarking - With Examples and Ready Made Forms

Benchmarking Workbook: How to Apply Benchmarking - With Examples and Ready Made Forms
NT $ 6,750
  • 作者:BengtKarlof
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:1995-10-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0471955876
  • ISBN13:9780471955870
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 19.1 x 25.4 x 1.3 cm / 普通級


The Benchmarking Workbook will do exactly what the title suggests make it easier for you to put theory into practice. It is a "do-it-yourself" guide to benchmarking. Benchmarking methods are simple, easy to grasp, and universal everyone can do it! But many people suffer from unclear frames of reference, impossible deadlines, inadequate budgets, unexplained expectations; even when these obstacles are overcome, the greatest danger is becoming swamped by detail. This is where the Benchmarking Workbook will prove to be a major ally. If you are on a benchmarking team, you will find that this workbook is a tool to help get at the practical aspects; aspects with which books of theory just cannot cope. It includes
* examples from actual cases
* self-diagnostic "what to do" sections
* forms, checklists and questionnaires
The Benchmarking Workbook helps you
* organize your research
* clarify your thinking
* prioritize your findings
The Benchmarking Workbook has been developed by Karlof and Partners. It is the practical companion to the original book Benchmarking: A Signpost to Excellence in Quality and Productivity by Bengt Karlof and Svante Ostblom, published by John Wiley & Sons.
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