Is your family prepared to handle your estate once you depart from this world? Have you mapped out your preferred funeral and burial plans? Morbid as it sounds, taking care of these business
matters, immediately, will significantly offset the indecisiveness and confusion that is bound to occur when tragedy strikes.Based on her own experiences, during the loss of her husband, author
Lydia M. Douglas points out the various tasks you have the power to complete now to alleviate a significant amount of the stress your unprepared family members are bound to face at the time of
your unfortunate passing. In that respect, Taking Care of Business is a must read for families. Not only does Douglas educate her readers, she also provides meditations to help soothe hurting
souls.Enduring the sudden death of her husband, James, Lydia's strong relationship with God is a testimony to every day miracles and the awesome power of His love.