Fundamentals of Qualitative Research approaches qualitative inquiry as a strategically selected composite of genres, elements, and styles. Salda簽a, author of the bestselling book, The Coding
Manual for Qualitative Researchers, brings clear writing and explanatory prowess to this new textbook for learning the fundamentals of qualitative research methods.
This book presents a concise yet rigorous description of how to design and conduct fieldwork projects and how to examine data in multiple ways for interpretive insight. Salda簽a, a master
teacher and qualitative data analyst, acquaints readers with the major genres of qualitative research available and the elements of interviewing, participant observation, and other data
collection methods to inform emergent research design decisions. An extended chapter on qualitative data analysis is one of the book's unique features. Salda簽a devotes necessary coverage to
conceptual foundations, coding, analytic memo writing, thematic analysis, assertion development, grounded theory, narrative and poetic inquiry, and ethnodramatic approaches to the data. Eight
distinctive styles of qualitative writing are presented. The book concludes with a list of recommended readings in the field, as well as additional resources on organizations and associations
dedicated to qualitative research.
Fundamentals of Qualitative Research is an ideal introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in education, sociology, psychology, anthropology, human communication, and health