Early experiences with shapes and measurement are essential for a solid start in acquiring math skills. Preschoolers who can recognize shapes and understand the concepts of size and measurement
will be ready to advance to basic math and geometry skills. The activities in this workbook are designed to help your children build that foundation. Best of all, they’ll have lots of fun doing
it! Some of the great features you’ll find inside are:
House Hunt
To help learn different shapes, children look for a particular shape found in objects at home and then draw it.
Doodle Pad
Children trace a shape, or practice the concept of size by tracing small, medium, and large shapes. Then they draw a picture using the shape.
Deliver the Mail
To reinforce their abilities to differentiate shapes and size, children follow the correct path to help the postal carrier deliver the card.
Put It Away
To practice distinguishing between the concepts of long and short, children put centipedes in the correct terrarium.
Game Pieces
The workbook includes shape pieces for children to cut out and make shape pictures and patterns.
Give your child’s confidence in math a boost with Pre-K Shapes & Measurement Success.