
BUSINESS MATHEMATICS, 9/e brings together all the math tools students need to successfully handle everyday business transactions, manage their personal finances, and start or operate a small business. Throughout, students learn math in familiar contexts they already care about. Conversational, easy to read, and exceptionally accessible, this text combines depth and breadth with practical examples and clear step-by-step instructions — all delivered flexibly to support multiple modes of teaching and learning. This edition contains extensive new coverage of wealth building through investment; the latest insurance and credit trends, new tax rules and tables, and more. This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card please order the ISBN listed below.


0132613905 / 9780132613903 Business Mathematics & Study Guide & MathXL 12Month Access Card Package
Package consists of:
013211173X / 9780132111737 Study Guide for Business Mathematics Complete and Brief Editions
0135027438 / 9780135027431 MathXL -- Valuepack Access Card (24-month access)
0135108179 / 9780135108178 Business Mathematics

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