Teach your students to sight-sing with confidence! Set 2 of this popular series expands sight-singing skills to the Keys of D and G with a step-by-step approach through six lessons in each key
signature that culminate with a special song students will be able to sight-sing! Helpful Teacher Tips focus on the music concepts being presented, provide a suggested teaching sequence to use
when presenting each exercise, and give keys to sight-singing success. Two student reproducible pages filled with sight-reading exercises are provided for each lesson. After students have
perfected the exercises a cappella on their own, they can reinforce the learning process by performing with the rhythm accompaniment tracks on the enclosed CD. The enhanced CD also offers
performance/accompaniment tracks for the 2 songs included, plus PDFs of all the sight-singing exercises for projection options. For teachers who are new to this series, this material starts at
the beginning and assumes no previous sight-singing knowledge. You can start right now! Also available, Sight-Sing a Song: Set 1 (HL #09971136) that covers the Keys of C and F.