堪稱本世紀最傳奇服裝設計大師亞歷山大麥昆 (Alexander McQueen,1969~2010年) 向以華麗前衛的創造力,在作品中反映現世的暗黑色彩,挑戰觀者的感官。2011年五月紐約大都會博物館以「亞歷山大麥昆:野蠻的美麗 (Alexander McQueen:Savage
Alexander McQueen (1969-2010) was one of the most influential, imaginative, and inspirational designers at the turn of the millennium. His fashions both challenged and expanded the
conventional parameters of clothing beyond utility to a compelling expression of culture, politics, and identity. Focusing on the most iconic and acclaimed designs of his prolific career,
this stunning book examines McQueen's inimitable technical virtuosity and its subversion of traditional tailoring and dressmaking practices.
The book also focuses on the highly sophisticated narrative structures found in McQueen's collections and in his astonishing and extravagant runway presentations, which suggested the most
avant-garde installation and performance art. Intended as an assessment of Alexander McQueen's entire career, the book includes in-depth studies of six collections that illustrate and
encapsulate thematic chapters as well as an interview with Sarah Burton, the new creative director of Alexander McQueen who had been the designer's right-hand design aide since 1996.