Welcome to the world of job and career exploration. THE 16 CAREER CLUSTERS: A PROJECT-BASED ORIENTATION TEXT / iMPACT CD PACKAGE contains a chapter of hands-on activities for each of the U.S.
Department of Education’s 16 career clusters plus an iMPACT interactive text CD. Now you can explore job and career options through activities that help you discover what skills and traits are
needed to be successful in each career field. The iMPACT Interactive text CD is a fully functioning version of the textbook delivered via CD-ROM, offering a fresh new way of learning. Most of
the activities can be completed on the computer using the built-in forms provided on the CD. You can print your completed activity forms or e-mail them directly to the instructor. Interactive
elements include hypertext links from the Table of Contents to subsections of the text, live Internet links, and animations to help students complete the activities. The Career Cluster approach
has been implemented in many classes today. It allows you to explore a wide range of career opportunities from entry level through management and professional levels. In the process of
completing this book, you will learn more about your own talents and interests while thinking about each job or career as it relates to you, your plans, and your dreams for the future. You will
learn about--and make decisions about--hiring practices, business ethics, emerging technologies, finances, and globalization.