The Sony Alpha NEX-5 and NEX-3 are the world's smallest and lightest advanced interchangeable lens digital cameras. These affordable new models are Sony's first Electronic
Viewfinder/Interchangeable Lens (EVIL) cameras, featuring 14.2-megapixels, an array of interchangeable lenses, 1080i HD movie recording with stereo sound, fast and silent autofocus, a new Sweep
Panorama feature with 3D capability, and a high-speed burst mode of 7fps. David Busch's Sony Alpha NEX-5/NEX-3 Guide to Digital Photography shows readers how, when, and why to use all the cool
features, controls, and functions of both models to take great photographs of anything. Introductory chapters will help readers get comfortable with the basics of their camera before they dive
right into exploring creative ways to apply the NEX-5 and NEX-3 file formats, resolution, aperture/priority exposure, automatic exposure features, and additional lenses. Beautiful, full-color
images illustrate where the essential buttons and dials are, so they'll quickly learn how to use their NEX-5 or NEX-3, and use it like a pro!