
Tapestry: A Woven Narrative initially focuses on European tapestry and features significant historical images derived from extensive international tapestry collections. The book addresses the developing status of historical factory houses, the differing roles of tapestry artists and manufacturers, discusses how these roles have changed over time and looks in further detail at the socio-historical context of the featured works.

The book also looks in detail at the current tapestry scene, beginning in earnest with the textile work of Henry Moore 20 years ago. Now, established artists across the globe, significantly in North America, Australia and New Zealand, have begun appropriating the medium to present their work and ideas in a previously unexplored fashion, creating a fascinating juxtaposition between the socio-cultural documentation of many historical works and the more abstract, modern and personal themes often dealt with in tapestries today. The book includes works from notable modern artists such as Annika Ekdahl, Chuck Close, Fred Tomaselli, Grayson Perry, Francesca Lowe, Jaime Gili, Henry Moore, KB Kitaj and Kara Walker.

Tapestry: A Woven Narrative also discusses the practical aspects of tapestry production, taking in both historical methods and those employed by the few specialist tapestry houses flourishing in the world.
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