Did you know it has been revealed that we can hear our skin, can see through our tongue, and can plug our nervous system directly into a computer? With prosthetics, robotics, cybernetics,
virtual reality, transplants, and neuroscience altering the way we perceive and experience space, the body has re-emerged as an important architectural site. See Yourself Sensing
endeavors to track the experiments of artists and designers on the intimate scale of the body, and to explore the influence of such experimentation on architecture, installation and new
Exploring this concept through the last 50 years of contemporary art and design, See Yourself Sensing: Redefining Human Perception examines the work of key practitioners in this field,
from Rebecca Horn’s object based installations, Stelarc’s robotic body extensions to Carsten Höllers’ physically interactive sculptures. The works and artists illustrated throws into
consideration how we see and sense the world around us through artistic interpretation. Whether extending these senses through projections, technological spectacles or even telepathy, our
perceptual limitations are challenged and our senses realized visually. Analyzing the importance and influence of body-scaled sensory experiments, Schwartzman reveals the fascinating
relationship between senses, body, art and perception.