A comprehensive resource on measuring quality in both center- and home-based settings, this book brings together more than 50 early childhood experts to establish what's working in quality
measurement and how it can be strengthened to support better programs and optimal child development. Readers will explore specific approaches to measuring the quality of factors that affect
school readiness, including
supports for early language and literacy development
math and science curricula and instruction
environmental supports for social and emotional competence
health-related factors such as nutrition and safety
family sensitive child care
cultural responsiveness
services for children with disabilities
To help them measure these factors accurately, readers will get critical analyses of dozens of assessment measures, plus an exclusive inside look at promising new tools.
Martha Zaslow, Ph.D., is Director, Society for Research in Child Development Office for Policy and Communications, Washington, D.C., and Senior Scholar, Child Trends, Washington, D.C.
Ivelisse Martinez-Beck, Ph.D., is Senior Social Science Research Analyst and Child Care Research Coordinator; Division of Child and Family Development; Office of Planning, Research and
Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, Washington, D.C.
Kathryn Tout, Ph.D., is Codirector of Early Childhood Research, Child Trends, Washington, D.C.
Tamara Halle, Ph.D., are Codirectors of Early Childhood Research, Child Trends, Washington, D.C.