With more than 10 million copies sold internationally, and 7 million copies in print in North America alone, P.C. and Kristin Cast’s House of Night series, featuring fledgling teenage
vampyre Zoey Redbird and her friends at the Oklahoma House of Night vampyre boarding school, is more than just another vampire series.
A big part of the reason is its strong mythological underpinnings. From Nyx, the goddess worshipped by the series vampyres, to the Cherokee legend that drives the plot, the House of Night
series is infused with elements from multiple mythos and religious traditions to create a new, modern mythology all its own.
Edited by P.C. Cast, Nyx in the House of Night—a 2-color illustrated guide to the House of Night series—brings these rich mythological influences to life, providing the real-world stories
behind the series and insight into the way those stories are used to create the captivating story of Zoey and the House of Night.
Chapters includes:
‧ Wiccan ritual
‧ The original story of Erebus and Nyx
‧ Cherokee mythology
‧ The historical significance of tattoos
‧ And more
The book also includes an original introduction and chapter on Scottish folklore by P.C. Cast herself.
菲莉絲.卡司特(P. C. Cast)
小說作品曾獲奧克拉荷馬書獎(Oklahoma Book Award)、美國圖書館協會YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers、稜鏡獎(Prism)、茉莉葉獎(Daphne du Maurier)、霍爾特獎章(Holt Medallion)、桂冠獎(Laurel Wreath)等多項肯定,並曾進入全美讀者選書獎(National
Readers’ Choice Award)決選。資深的英文與寫作老師,住在美國奧克拉荷馬州陶沙市(Tulsa),也就是本書故事發生的地方,「夜之屋」的所在。
PC CAST is an award-winning fantasy and paranormal romance author, as well as an experienced speaker and teacher. Her novels have been awarded the prestigious Prism, Daphne du Maurier,
Affaire Du Coeur, and other awards. She lives and teaches in Oklahoma.