This anthology consists of 62 articles and book excerpts presented in five volumes. The editor provides an introductory essay tracing the history of the 20-year old organization and its
predecessors, discussing the Uruguay Round and the dispute settlement system, examining myths and realities, and briefly surveying the contents of this reference. Volume 1, The Origins and
Mandate of the WTO, addresses the history from GATT to the WTO, the role of developing countries, negotiations and bargaining, institutional issues, and the future mandate. Volume 2, The
Fundamental Principles, contains articles on like products, most-favored nations, and non-discrimination. The third volume Implications for Domestic Regulation, focuses on regulatory purpose,
standards, the environment, investment, competition, and regulatory autonomy for developing countries. Volume 4, Dispute Settlement, is devoted to various aspects of the organization’s
structure and functions, concluding with reflections on international law and the future. Sources include Journal of Transnational Law, European Journal of Political Economy, and Journal of
International Economic Law, among others. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (