內容歷時八年研究,以事業創新者的大樣本調查研究為根據,調查遍佈75個國家、超過5000位高階主管,同時親訪超過百位利用破壞式創新改變局勢的公司創辦人、執行長,以及革命性產品與服務的發明者。例如:蘋果的賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)、亞馬遜的貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)、eBay的歐米迪亞(Pierre Omidyar)、戴爾電腦公司(Dell
Computer)的戴爾(Michael Dell)、Skype的詹士莊(Niklas Zennstrom)、PayPal的泰爾(Peter Thiel)等等。
A new classic, cited by leaders and media around the globe as a highly recommended read for anyone interested in innovation.
In The Innovator’s DNA, authors Jeffrey Dyer, Hal Gregersen, and bestselling author Clayton Christensen (The Innovator’s Dilemma, The Innovator’s Solution, How Will You Measure Your Life?)
build on what we know about disruptive innovation to show how individuals can develop the skills necessary to move progressively from idea to impact.
By identifying behaviors of the world’s best innovators — from leaders at Amazon and Apple to those at Google, Skype, and Virgin Group — the authors outline five discovery skills that
distinguish innovative entrepreneurs and executives from ordinary managers: Associating, Questioning, Observing, Networking, and Experimenting.
Once you master these competencies (the authors provide a self-assessment for rating your own innovator’s DNA), the authors explain how to generate ideas, collaborate to implement them, and
build innovation skills throughout the organization to result in a competitive edge. This innovation advantage will translate into a premium in your company’s stock price — an innovation
premium — which is possible only by building the code for innovation right into your organization’s people, processes, and guiding philosophies.
Practical and provocative, The Innovator’s DNA is an essential resource for individuals and teams who want to strengthen their innovative prowess.
克雷頓.克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)
哈佛商學院企管教授,被譽為當今世上創新與技術變化管理領域首屈一指的專家,在這些領域的著作贏得無數學術獎項,包括「麥肯錫獎」(McKinsey Award)、「全球商業書籍獎」(Global Business Book Award),二○一○年再度以發表於《哈佛商業評論》的論文〈How to Measure Your
Life〉榮獲「麥肯錫獎」。克里斯汀生擁有楊百翰大學取得經濟學士學位、哈佛商學院企管碩士與博士學位,除了學術領域專業,他也創辦過三家成功的公司:CPS Technologies、Innosight LLC、Rose Park Advisors,曾任波士頓顧問集團顧問公司,以及雷根政府時期的白宮學者。
傑夫.戴爾(Jeff Dyer)
楊百翰大學萬豪管理學院策略學教授,賓州大學華頓商學院策略學合聘教授,擁有加州大學洛杉磯分校管理學博士學位。戴爾是當今世上唯一同時在《策略管理期刊》(Strategic Management Journal)和《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)發表過五篇論文的策略領域學者,根據「基本科學指標」(Essential Science
Indicators),自1996年至2006年的十年間,他是論文被引用次數排名第四高的管理學學者,在包含管理、財務、行銷、營運、和經濟學領域的學者中則是排名第七。他的著作《協同優勢》(Collaborative Advantage)贏得「研究與專業著作新鄉獎」(Shingo Prize for Research and Professional
Publication)。曾在貝恩管理顧問公司(Bain & Co.)擔任經理人的戴爾,經常受邀演講創新與策略主題,提供這些領域的諮詢顧問與訓練課程服務,服務過的客戶包括百特醫療產品公司(Baxter International)、波音公司、福特汽車公司、卡夫食品公司(Kraft)、奇異集團、嬌生公司(Johnson &
海爾.葛瑞格森(Hal Gregersen)
歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)領導學教授,在此之前,曾任教倫敦商學院、達特茅斯學院塔克商學院以及楊百翰大學,並曾是芬蘭土庫經濟學院的傅爾布萊特研究學者,擁有加州大學爾灣分校博士學位。葛瑞格森有許多出版的合著,包括《從個人做起》(It Starts with One: Changing Individuals Changes
in the Dark)、Room 13等合作,協助培育下一代領導人。
Jeffrey Dyer is the Horace Beesley Professor of Strategy at the Marriott School, Brigham Young University. He is widely published in strategy and business journals and was the fourth most
cited management scholar in 1996-2006. Hal Gregersen is a professor of leadership at INSEAD. He consults to organizations around the world on innovation, globalization, and transformation and
has published extensively in leading academic and business journals. Clayton M. Christensen is the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and the
architect of and the world’s foremost authority on disruptive innovation.