*哇!莫瑞和高迪的這本書就像一支全壘打。如果我只能推薦一本投資書給朋友和家人,就是這一本了!──鮑伯.華特曼(Bob Waterman),前麥肯錫董事,《追求卓越》共同作者
The Investment Answer shows you, in clear and understandable language, how to take control of your finances and think about investing in a different way. Whether you are new to finance or
an experienced investor, this book is essential reading. Former United States Senator Bill Bradley says that “every American should read this book,” and Bob Waterman, co-author of In Search
of Excellence, remarks, “if I could give only one book on investing to my friends and family, this one would be it.”
This book cuts through the Wall Street hype to give you just what you need to know. Joe Grundfest, Stanford Law School Professor and former SEC Commissioner, says that “Gordon Murray and
Dan Goldie share secrets that Wall Street would rather you not know. Read this book and prosper.”
The Investment Answer will teach you to take advantage of how markets really work and how to benefit from the wisdom that Nobel Prize winners have acquired over the last 60 years. Nobel
Laureate and Father of Modern Portfolio Theory, Harry Markowitz, remarks that “the book offers sound advice, which you will rarely if ever get from a daily financial newscast.” Gene Fama,
widely recognized as the father of modern finance, says that the book is “an excellent primer for the investor who is not a finance specialist.”
You probably know the important measures of your physical health: your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. But do you know the important measures about your investment health?
Is your advisor is a fiduciary who really works for you or for his firm? What is your percentage mix of stocks, bonds, and cash? How much you are paying in fees and investment-related taxes?
Most of us can’t answer these important financial questions...but we must. This book will help you become a smarter investor and a better steward of your money.
戈登.莫瑞 Gordon S. Murray
Gordon S. Murray spent more than twenty-five years working on Wall Street, primarily at Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Credit Suisse First Boston in a variety of institutional sales
and management roles. After his Wall Street career, Murray worked as a consultant with Dimensional Fund Advisors. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and
earned an MBA from Columbia University.
丹尼爾.高迪(Daniel C. Goldie)
Daniel C. Goldie is president of Dan Goldie Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment advisory firm. A former professional tennis player and Wimbledon quarterfinalist, he has been
recognized by Barron’s as one of the top 100 independent financial advisors in the United States. He graduated from Stanford University and has an MBA degree from the Haas School of Business,
University of California at Berkeley.