Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) dominate the market in terms of sheer number of organizations. Their role in the business world is difficult to overstate. Despite this, there is a
high failure rate among smaller organizations, which can be explained to a significant degree by a lack of marketing understanding in this sector.
Introducing the importance of marketing to entrepreneurial firms, this book guides the student through the fundamentals of marketing within the SME context, providing a more value-added
learning expreience than your standard marketing run-throught. The authors deal directly with `people issues' (i.e. everyday entrepreneurship marketing interactions) to prepare students for the
`dragons' den' of entrepreneurialism.
This new and lively textbook provides a fresh and unfettered approach for marketing students who require a more real-world understanding of the impact of their discipline on entrepreneurial
firms. The growing student body studying entrepreneurship will also benefit from the customer insight offered by this approach.