Milton Studies

Milton Studies
NT $ 3,150


Volume 51 of this annual collection contains essays on various aspects of Milton's work. Four touch on theatrical aspects. Foran sees echoes of Macbeth in Milton's discussions of regicide. The dramatic aspects of Paradise Lost are examined by Coiro. Browning compares processions in Paradise Lost to Roman and Caroline triumphs. And Brown looks at the screenplay for a film of Paradise Lost that was never made. Other articles include a different take on Milton's Sonnet 19, on his increasing blindness. Marcus deliberates the position of women in Milton and how a modern woman might teach him. Paradise Lost is also the starting point for an investigation of Satan and the sin of envy. Lastly, the reception of Milton by later poets and critics from Keats to post 9/11 postmodernists is undertaken through the metaphor of Milton as fragmented like Osiris, his body and beliefs scattered. Editor Knoppers has chosen a cohesive group of papers that reflect current Milton scholarship. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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