The Columbians had Pablo Escobar�吋he Cubans had Scarface�吋he Italians had John Gotti�再nd the Brothers had Bumpy Johnson�冰ut what about the Sisters? Meet the female Nino Brown and Gee Money,
only these two really are their sister's keeper. New Brunswick, New Jersey native Heavenly Jacobs inherited her beauty and street smarts honestly. Father a top notch go getter, mother a grade
����dime piece. After tragedy strikes her home her only means of survival is to rely on what she acquired from them both. Her choice to ride for the wrong man ultimately lands her in prison
where she is forced to re-strategize her game plan.Eartha Davis is not your average female. Her eyes as well as her body were exposed to more then they were ready for at a young age. Between
her mother, who was a bonafide gangster that loved young pretty females, and the streets of Plainfield, New Jersey, it was hard for her not to fall victim to and embrace all that was going on
around her. Her crave for the streets, violence, and women all contributed to her imprisonment in Edna Mahan Correctional Facility.As fate would have it, these two females are thrown together,
in which they form a bond that is un-breakable and spills over into streets. Seeing that everybody got fat while they starved, they put together a team of female hustlers that got all men in
the game on edge. Jealousy, envy, ego's, and pride all come into play unraveling beef between male and female that is far from being a game. Will the brothers sustain? Or will they succumb to
the wrath of Heaven & Earth?