Set Your Voice Free: How to Get the Singing or Speaking Voice You Want: Library Edition
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Vocal Technique: A Physiologic Approach
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Learn to Sing with Confidence and Freedom
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101 Must-know Acoustic Licks: A Quick, Easy Reference for All Guitarists
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A Classic Collection of Early Blues for the Ukulele: With Downloadable Audio
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The Singing and Acting Handbook: Games and Exercises for the Performer
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Music Theory Remixed: A Blended Approach for the Practicing Musician
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Don’t Talk Just Kiss: Pop Music Wisdom
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Music Time Too!
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Iww Songs: To Fan the Flames of Discontent; Joe Hill Memorial Edition
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Poetry and Music
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Music Education for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Resource for Teachers
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Liriche Italiane / Italian Art Songs: Liriche del XIX e X secolo /Songs from the 19th and 20th Centuries - High Voice
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Experiencing Music Composition in Grades 3-5
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Scales, Patterns and Improvs
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Classical Guitar Chops: Essential Licks & Exercises to Maximize Your Technique
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Online Music Marketing: Campaign Strategies, Social Media & Direct to Fan Retail
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How to Play Rock Lead Guitar
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How to Strum Chords on Guitar: A Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide for Acoustic or Electric Guitar
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The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: International Perspectives