Short Stories with Little Zack is a collection of children 's stories that can be equally enjoyed by readers of all ages. The first section includes stories Dr. Saidane told his son Zachary
during his early childhood years. These stories report on the joys of learning, word puns, storytelling and parental love that help Zack grow fonder of a less materialistic and a fulfilling way
of life and learning. Standing on the shoulders of greater intellectual and scientist predecessors, we hope the younger generation may see farther than we did and be able to build a greener and
more sustainable planet for a happy, fruitful and peaceful world, and leave a more valuable legacy on our beloved planet.The impact of this reflective and joyful upbringing has already sprouted
a valuable legacy expressed in young Zachary's reflections on life's joys and tribulations as written in the second section of this book.