Children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) do not often respond well to conventional teaching methods and this can result in social isolation, behavioral problems, limitations in
communication, and slow academic growth. Alternative-augmentative communication (AAC) is a highly effective means of improving social interaction and facilitating learning, resulting in better
integration into home and school activities, improved behavior and academic success.
Providing an in-depth overview of AAC and visual strategies, this book explores the various communication and intervention options that are available and offers straightforward instructions for
using them successfully. Chapters follow a consistent, user-friendly format, answering the questions Who, What, Why, How, When, and Where about each technique, and explaining everything the
reader needs to know to improve the behavioral, social, and academic skills of children with PDDs, helping them rise to new communicative heights.
This book is essential reading for families, teachers, therapists and other professionals looking to improve communication between children with PDDs and those around them.