Berman (public administration, National Chengchi University, Taiwan) has selected a series of five articles detailing the workings of government and public administration for each of the
regions mentioned in the title (Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Macao). The articles selected were authored by academics and officials who were raised, and work in, the
countries about which they wrote. Each of the five articles covers the same topics for each of the different countries: the history and political context of public administration in that
country, decentralization and local governance, public ethics and corruption, performance management reforms, and the civil service system. The resulting text presents a glimpse of the
diversity in public administration systems in Southeast Asia and offers a useful tool for comparative analysis of such systems. This book is a parallel volume to another book entitled Public
Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, so readers interested in broadening their comparative studies of public administration in Southeast Asia may utilize
that text as well. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (