A compulsively readable new series that explores a fascinating culture set purposely apart.
In the wooded Amish hill country, a professor at a small college, a local pastor, and the county sheriff are the only ones among the mainstream, or "English," who possess the instincts and
skills to work the cases that impact all county residents, no matter their code of conduct or religious creed.
David Hawkins came to the quiet town of Millersburg to escape his demons and unexpectedly found salvation in Amish life-until his English daughter is brutally murdered.
Jamaica Kill
$1,223 -
Murder in the House of the Muse
$560 -
The Moores Are Missing
$350 -
Del otro lado de Hollywood / The Other Side of Hollywood
$523 -
A Crime of Passion Fruit
$280 -
Red Sky
$945 -
The Prosecutor: Library Edition
$2,660 -
Minced, Marinated, and Murdered
$593 -
Bad Housekeeping: An Agnes and Effie Mystery
$945 -
Mr. Holmes
$525 -
The Doctor of Thessaly
$525 -
Prized Possessions
$523 -
Knife Creek
$910 -
Cop Killer: Library Edition
$2,660 -
Digging James Dean: A Nina Zero Novel
$490 -
Dart Man: Library Edition
$2,660 -
Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine
$523 -
Under Cover
$1,223 -
Death Sentence
$1,223 -
The Magician’s Duel