Mental Health in Practice is an exciting new series of books for mental helath professionals and practitioners. It combines academic theory with the practical realities of working in the field
of mental health and is packed full of activities and features to reinforce learning.
In line with current government policy and related recommendations and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, mental health practitioners will be increasingly required to either engage
in, or be appropriately familiar with, the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This book guides the reader through the fundamental principles of the approach in its various
mental health application contexts, enabling them to gain the confidence to engage in the supervised, safe and evidence-based application of these principles.
There are sections on client preparation and how to begin assessments, how CBT can help anxious people and the cognitive behavioural approaches relevant to their treatment, as well as chapters
on how CBT can be helpful to those experiencing low mood and depression. The book also covers working with people who have false beliefs and those who may be considered as suffering from
Borderling Personality Disorder.