With appearances in such anthologies as Zero Zero, BLAB! and Kramers Ergot,St矇phane Blanquet has been delighting and terrifying American readers withhis superslick,
ultradetailed creepiness.
So it makes perfect sense that his first graphic novel to be published in theU.S. would be… a children’s book? Yes indeed.
Our hero, attending a Halloween party in an embarrassing pink bunny costume(he wanted to he a pirate) stumbles across a secret society of damaged,forgotten, and pissed-off toys in the basement
of his friend’s house—includingthe terrifying Am矇lie, not an adorable gamine played by Audrey Tautou but atowering sentient assemblage of broken toy parts out for revenge!
Imagine Toy Story as reimagined by David Lynch and Charles Burns andyou’ll have a good idea of what this story is like. And yes, it is for kids!