Gugler (economics and social policy, U. of Fribourg, Switzerland) and Chaisse (law, Chinese U. of Hong Kong, China) present 12 papers that address economic competitiveness in the countries of
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as related to two key themes: industrial competitiveness within the regional integration process and the role of free trade agreements (FTAs)
in the integration of ASEAN in the world economy. With regards to the first theme, papers discuss international challenges to business competitiveness in ASEAN, multinational enterprise
linkages in ASEAN, harmonization of competition laws and policy, trade and investment cooperation and integration, and the digital divide in ASEAN countries. The remaining papers discuss the
role of FTAs in promoting exports and the prospects and challenges of FTAs between ASEAN and Japan, Indonesia, China, and the European Union. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR