

  尚.努維勒(Jean Nouvel)談到電影與建築的相似點。羅伯.范裘利(Robert Venturi)說他「向加油站學習,也向博羅米尼和沙爾特大教堂學習。」詹姆士.史德林(James Stirling)說建築要「為城市帶來贈禮」。妹島和世與西澤立衛在他們的作品中,尋求達到某種暫時性,並尋找著「創意原則」。這些說法,皆取自於這本包羅萬象的文集中所蘊藏的豐富思想、希望與啟發。在本書中,建築師的聲音優於常見的評論者與學者。在此,堪稱全球建築界佼佼者的三十五名普立茲克獎得主,親自告訴我們關於他們作品的三兩事,以及原因何在。此外,他們也回答這些問題:建築師的意念為何?為什麼建築物會採取特定的形式,或使用某些材料?是否有何景觀考量?城市帶來了什麼限制?而建築師開始想像一件作品時,如何思考身為大眾的我們?



  普立茲克獎桂冠得主在二十世紀末與二十一世紀的前十年,共同打造了我們的建築環境。在本書中可看見他們談到自己最在乎的是什麼,例如光線、材料與永續性,以及他們崇拜著誰、又推崇哪些建築物。整體而言,正如備受同行推崇的約恩.烏松(Jorn Utzon)所說:「總之,你會與建築物的使用者建立起關係。」在書中,建築師以直接、熱情的方式,向每一個人訴說我們的建築世界。

  Thirty-three of the world’s most accomplished and inspiring architects—Gehry, Pei, Meier, Nouvel, Piano, and 28 more—express their views on creativity, inspiration, and legacy in this visually stunning, one-of-a-kind collection

  The Pritzker Prize is the most prestigious international prize for architecture. Architect presents all 33 recipients of the Pritzker Prize, and captures in pictures and in their own words the awe-inspiring achievements of each architect. Organized by architect, each chapter features approximately four to six major works that represent a range of skills, materials, and methods, as well as a variety of structures including museums, libraries, transportation hubs, hotels, places of worship, and more. The text, culled from diaries, interviews, articles, speeches, and notebooks, and provided by each architect, illuminates his works and enlightens on topics such as his influences and inspirations, personal philosophy, and aspirations for his own work and the future of architecture. The book includes 700 stunning and fascinating photographs, blueprints, sketches, and CAD drawings representing each architect's major works.

  Architect is a unique work that offers an unprecedented view into the minds of some of the most creative thinkers, dreamers, and builders of the last three decades.



如絲.佩塔森 Ruth Peltason

  是一名編輯與作家,並經營「訂製之書」(Bespoke Book)編輯工作室,專門開發、編輯與撰寫設計文化藝術書籍。她的案件多元,包括《設計研究:將現代生活帶進美國住家的商店》(Design Research: The Store that Brought Modern Living to American Homes)、《創意時間之書:三十三年來的紐約市公共藝術》(Creative Time: The Book, 33 Years of Public Art in New York City),及《活珠寶:大自然的傑作》(Living Jewels: Masterpiece from Nature)。 她曾擔任亞伯拉罕出版公司(Abrams)的設計與生活風格書籍主管與資深編輯。佩塔森現居紐約。

翁甄舜華博士 Grace Ong-Yan, Ph.D

  是建築師、建築史學者、教師與作家,專精於歐美現代與當代建築。除了曾在兩位普立茲克獎得主的事務所任職之外,也在多所大學與機構任教,包括帕森設計學院(Parsons School of Design)、普瑞特藝術學院(Pratt Institute)、耶魯大學、巴爾德研究所(Bard Graduate Center)與巴恩斯基金會(Barnes Foundation)。

  Ruth Peltason is an editor and writer.  She runs Bespoke Books, an editorial studio specializing in the development, editing, writing and design of books on the cultural arts. Various projects include: Creative Time: The Book, 33 Years of Public Art in New York City; Occasions, Style and Manners by Kate Spade; In the Picture: Production Stills from the TCM Archives; Elizabeth Taylor: My Love Affair with Jewelry, among others.  She lives in New York City.

  Grace Ong-Yan is an architect and an architectural historian. She received her Masters degree from Yale University and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania.

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