Vailes down-to-earth debut reveals the story of two very young biracial sisters, Myrtle and Sugar Pudding Jackson, mysteriously abandoned in an old bus station on a cold and snowy night in the
winter of 1955. The story begin in Tapasalle North Carolina, during the early stages of the civil rights movement, where poverty, injustice, suffering and cruelties affected many of the Negroes
who live there. The two sisters are quickly introduced to the mean, abusive, violent, perverted, conniving, and last but certainly not the least, the filthy rich. The novel is filled with
detail that clearly identifies the large cast of powerfully drawn characters that seem to...literary speaking, reach out mentally and physically and guide the reader into their world. This book
is packed with suspense, raw emotions, drama, that is sure to captivate the readers, who will undoubtedly find themselves looking for more books from this author, in the months and years to