King’s Indian Warfare
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New in Chess 2016 8
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New in Chess Yearbook 119: Chess Opening News
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Chess International Titleholders, 1950-2016
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New in Chess Magazine 2016: Read by Club Players in 116 Countries
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New in Chess Yearbook: Chess Opening News
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Your First Chess Lessons
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First Steps: The Colle and London Systems
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Dynamic Decision Making in Chess
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Attacking With the Isolated Queen’s Pawn
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The Rookie: An Odyssey Through Chess (and Life)
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1.d4 the Queen’s Gambit
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The Zaitsev System: Fresh Ideas and New Weapons for Black in the Ruy Lopez
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Black Is Back!: What’s White’s Advantage Anyway?
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Chess Strategy for Kids
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Queen of Katwe: One Girl’s Triumphant Path to Becoming a Chess Champion
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The Queen of Katwe: One Girl’s Triumphant Path to Becoming a Chess Champion
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My System & Chess Praxis
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New in Chess Yearbook 121: Chess Opening News
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W. H. K. Pollock: A Chess Biography With 523 Games