New in Chess Yearbook 120: Chess Opening News
$1,188 -
The Queen of Katwe: One Girl’s Triumphant Path to Becoming a Chess Champion
$560 -
New in Chess 6 2016: Read by Club Players in 116 Countries
$455 -
New in Chess Yearbook 121: Chess Opening News
$1,398 -
The Sicilian Sveshnikov: Move by Move
$1,048 -
The Complete Manual of Positional Chess: The Russian Chess School 2.0: Opening and Middlegame
$1,048 -
W. H. K. Pollock: A Chess Biography With 523 Games
$2,925 -
Morphy: Move by Move
$1,048 -
Singapore Chess: A History, 1945-1990
$2,160 -
Beating Minor Openings
$854 -
The Zaitsev System: Fresh Ideas and New Weapons for Black in the Ruy Lopez
$1,048 -
Training with Moska: Practical Chess Exercises: Tactics, Strategy, Endgames
$1,048 -
My System & Chess Praxis
$1,048 -
Revison & Exam 1: The Fundamentals
$1,048 -
Queen of Katwe: One Girl’s Triumphant Path to Becoming a Chess Champion
$525 -
Chess Strategy for Kids
$593 -
Winning Material
$698 -
Checkmate: Bobby Fischer’s Boys’ Life Columns
$628 -
Attacking With the Isolated Queen’s Pawn
$873 -
New in Chess Magazine 2016/5: Read by Club Players in 116 Countries