Why do business negotiations between people from different countries often start so promisingly and then disappointingly run into the sand?
Even in those countries which we think we know, how much do we really appreciate about the values, attitudes and expectations of its inhabitants?
This new edition takes you through everything you need to know to do business successfully with different cultures. The authors explain an easy-to-grasp framework for unlocking any business
culture in the world - The 5C's Model.
The 5C's Model shows you how to select the information and understanding you need and how to make sense of it all.
Going through these steps with any country you are dealing with will enable you to build the knowledge and awareness you need. The chapters show you how to carry out each step; they end with
valuable information and insights on the business culture of the countries forecast to be among the leading key markets in 2050 - Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, the Gulf, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Spain, UK and USA
Tomalin and Nicks show how understanding culture can improve performance. Sprinkled with colourful anecdotes, The World's Business Cultures offers sound advice on meetings and negotiations, as
well as decision-making, gift-giving and writing e-mails. Financial Times
a systematic and practical book for business people and students everywhere. A must read for business people who want to successfully compete in world markets. Business Executive Magazine
Tomalin and Nicks offer more than just helpful insights into different cultures. For this experienced traveller The World's Business Cultures is also a guide to good behaviour based not on
travellers' tales but on principles which I can apply in many situations. Emeritus Professor Jack Lonergan, President of the International Certificate Conference
a no-nonsense, systematic and practical book for business people and students of business everywhere. The short country profiles are especially useful and to the point. Ulla Ladau-Harjulin,
FRSA, Lecturer in Intercultural Communication, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland
is a must read for business travelers who want to successfully compete in world markets. More than a collection of cultural do's and don'ts, it offers clear, practical and comprehensive
guidelines for establishing and maintaining successful business relationships in the multicultural marketplace. Susan Stempleski, Lecturer, Graduate Program in TESOL Teachers College, Columbia
University, New York, USA