Formerly the Dictionary of 20th Century Art, the text has been completely revised and updated for this major new edition. Over 300 entries have been added and it now contains entries
on photography in modern art as well as the new media such as installation and Performance which are such a crucial element of the contemporary scene. With emphasis on recent art and artists,
for example Ai Weiwei, Tracey Emin, and Damien Hirst, it has an exceptionally strong coverage of art from the 1960s onwards, which makes it ideal for contemporary art enthusiasts. Further
reading is provided at entry level to assist those wishing to know more about a particular subject. In addition, this edition features recommended web links for many entries, which are accessed
and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art companion website.
The perfect companion for the desk, studio, bedside table, or gallery visits, A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art is an essential A-Z reference work for art students, artists,
and art lovers.