Kuspit, an inspiring professor at SUNY, Stony Brook, a respected professional art critic, a student of Adorno, and one of the most educated people on earth is featured as an interviewee, as a
reviewer of such artists as Sue Coe, Antonin Artaud, Pierre Bonnard and Andy Warhol, and, as cogitator of issues like the connection between philosophy and art (he has a doctorate in each), the
psychoanalytic construction of the artist, the death of art, and art as craft. Here is Kuspit as interviewee on Cindy Sherman: "The self is not just a matter of role playing; it's a matter of
conviction: the woman in Sherman's photograph has a false conviction about who she is. Of course, Sherman is not a thinker, she's just taking a position, which is all that her type of angry,
ideological artist can do. Nonetheless, she has a certain point if far from the whole one, as I said." Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)