'Real world applications and professional consensus by nationally recognized valuation experts Filled with a wealth of detail, practice tips, and examples, Financial Valuation: Applications and
Models, Third Edition brings together thirty nationally recognized names in the valuation industry hailing from a variety of professional specializations-including accounting, business
appraisal, and financial analysis-to provide practitioners with an indispensable reference on various valuation issues. Assembledby valuation authority James Hitchner, these contributors
analyze, explain, and collaborate on the most effective valuation procedures to share real-world applications in the field of financial valuations. Written by 30 top experts in business
valuations field Provides the valuation theory, the consensus view on application, and then the tools to apply it An all-encompassing valuation handbook that presents the application of
financial valuation theory for business appraisers and consultants New chapters on Assessing Risk and Expert Witness Testimony Expands chapter on Cost of Capital Comprehensive in coverage and
authoritative in treatment, James Hitchner's Financial Valuation, Third Edition provides trusted, complete business valuation information for CPAs, appraisers, analysts, attorneys, and
corporate executives.'--