The age of paper dollars and metal coins is coming to a close. In
The End of Money, David Wolman introduces the people, technologies, and trends powering this shake-up, taking us to
hotspots of the cashless revolution. He zooms from the cash-strapped slums of Delhi, to the tech-obsessed streets of Tokyo, to London to hobnob with digital cash gurus. Then it’s on to
Reykjavik, where Icelanders are about to kill their national currency; Washington, to learn about high-tech counterfeiting; and Los Angeles, where scientists study our brains on cash. Along
the way, Wolman examines the implications of next-generation payment innovations, investigates alternative and virtual currencies, and showcases the boon in mobile-phone banking.
As cash gets pushed toward extinction, now is the time to explore its effect on our wallets and our lives.