Out of Office: A Study on the Cause of Office Vacancy and Transformation As a Means to Cope and Prevent

Out of Office: A Study on the Cause of Office Vacancy and Transformation As a Means to Cope and Prevent
NT $ 4,905


This study draws on literature reviews and employs quantitative and qualitative methods to understand the causes of structural vacancy in office buildings, such as market conditions, location, and building characteristics. It describes the use of building transformation to cope with structural vacancy, and compares the feasibility of building transformation to other alternatives such as consolidation or demolition. The book also examines how structural vacancy in new buildings can be prevented, and whether structural vacancy can be limited through the development of adaptable or transformable office buildings. The book ends with a brief summary in English, Dutch, and Norwegian. Color and b&w photos and maps are included. Rem繪y teaches real estate management in the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
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