Half-Kiowa rancher Grady Hawks owns 9,000acres of water-enriched Texas grassland. But when theEastern Land Company moves to steal Hawks NestRanch, claiming Grady is too Indian to rightfully
controlit, Grady decides to apply what he's learned in mixingdiff erent strains of cattle.He needs to fi nd a red-haired wife and breed backto the fair skin and Scottish features of his father.
Witha white child and wife, he plans to appease his neighborsand outmaneuver the greedy Eastern consortiumof businessmen who are trying to steal Texas land.But when Grady marries auburn-haired
widow, JulieFulton Rossiter, breeding cattle is the last thing onhis mind. Julie doesn't want a husband, but with anaccusation of murder threatening her, Grady Hawks'off er of marriage is
something Julie needs. When unexpectedpassion burns hot between them, want andneed take on a whole new meaning.