Summer of 2009 a group of fourteen middle graders venture off to Dragonfly Island, along Willapa Bay, in the state of Washington. Who is Lizzy the lizard lady and why did she try to stop
Alexandria from boarding the boat to Dragonfly Island? After the first night, the older kids notice something's not quite right with the counselors. They have a strange odor about them and
never remove their sunglasses. Why do some of the campers become ill and have to spend the night in the infirmary instead of going home? Why is the freezer in the infirmary stocked with bags of
blood and where did the blood come from? Why were the cell phones taken from the campers their first night? Why are there graves on the island and why is one of them not filled in? At first,
the kids think their counselors are vampires, but they soon learn otherwise and when the older kids discover the counselors are after them, they disappear into the vegetation to hide from the
counselors and their frightening leader, Dr. Gylofan. They learn how to survive for almost two weeks on the island hoping for a rescue boat. Will they ever make it off of the island?