Be True To Yourself: Lionel the lion decides he doesn't want to be the King of Beasts anymore. He proclaims himself a giraffe... and ends up with a mouth full of thorns. His attempts at being
an elephant and a monkey turn out to be even a bigger disaster. Happiness Lives Within You: A young girl's search for happiness and contentment takes her around the world, looking everywhere
but where it can be found. This enlightening story provides a fresh reminder of a basic truth for all ages. Making Friends by being Yourself: New to the African bush, Matthew learns to deal
with the problems of fitting in and making new friends. His arrogant antics soon get him labeled a fool rather than a friend. You're Ok The Way You Are: A mixed up but magical frog journeys
through a swampland filled with creatures that want to share their own wonderful features and qualities. He sprouts the wings of a bird, the teeth of an alligator and the shell of a turtle and
soon finds himself in an amazing pickle.