Author Lawson, a psychologist in private practice in Australia, is herself on the autism spectrum. Writing in a style accessible to all readers, she presents an alternative cognitive theory of
learning in autism: single attention and associated cognition in autism (SAACA), an approach that explains autism in terms of the unique learning styles of people on the autism spectrum. She
begins with a review of what is known about autism and the autism spectrum disorders, then reviews basics of cognitive theory, theory of mind, and cognitive theories of autism spectrum
disorder, especially in the areas of child development, executive functioning, weak central coherence, and enhanced perceptual functioning. She then describes her alternative theory and
describes applications of its insights for individuals, families, educators, and employers. Appendices offer summary tables of theories, paraphrases of criteria for autism spectrum disorder,
and even b&w photos of paintings by an artist on the autism spectrum. The book's readership includes individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, as well as educators, clinical
practitioners, researchers, and occupational therapists. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (