Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2011 Calendar

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2011 Calendar
NT $ 490


First a cult movie classic, then a successful television show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues to outlive even the most unvanquishable of the undead. This calendar is packed with the greatest moments from this eternally popular series. Buffy aired for 7 seasons on the WB and UPN, averaging 5 to 6 million viewers per week. It was often #1 in its time slot among teens and #2 among adults 18-34, and it continues successfully in syndication on FX. The franchise includes action figures, magazines, a fan club, and other collectibles. The Dark Horse comic series, relaunched in 2007, has sold over 1 million copies. The popular line of Buffy books (over 80 titles) and DVDs are hugely successful (selling over 11 million internationally to date).
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