This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition.
International Business, 8th edition enables students to become better, more successful participants in the global business place. The internationally cited author team of Czinkota, Ronkainen,
and Moffet balance conceptual understanding and knowledge of day-to-day realities. Covering all key aspects of international business, the authors emphasize a few key dimensions: international
context, role of government in international business, small-and medium-sized firms, and social responsibility. This new edition is even more global and user-friendly. Now organized into five
parts, students can more clearly make connections between introductory material, the international environment, marketing, and financial considerations in the international marketplace. A truly
global presentation draws on worldwide examples, trends, and data, and includes an exemplary case selection based on firms from around the world, from Vietnam and Russia, to Iceland and Turkey.
With this new Wiley edition of International Business, students will better understand the intricacies of international marketplace, and be better versed in theory, policy, and strategic
aspects of global economy.