The appearance of Dilip Bharati on the Indian literary scene presages new vistas in world literature itself. After writing in his native language for about four decades, Bharati, with this
collection, turns to English. Muse in Exile accommodates some of Bharatis best English poems, which question the contemporary mode of writing poetry. The onslaught of faux naof poets was too
much for the inspirer of poetic imagination the Museand she left disconsolate. Out of flux, the poet gropes for the Muse in exile. The pen scratches out words that remain a frantic search for a
foothold that is mercurial, and the poetic voices are scattered here and there like scraps of paper. The poems on despair, love, and beauty are marked off by an exotic approach. In short, Muse
in Exile is a soul-searchers tour-de-forcean indispensable read for a contemporary reader.