Casebook of Clinical Neuropsychology features actual clinical neuropsychological cases drawn from leading experts' files. Each chapter represents a different case completed by a
different expert. Cases will span the full age range from child, to adult, through geriatric, and the types of cases will represent a broad spectrum of prototypical cases of well known and
well-documented disorders as well as some lower base rate disorders. Chapter authors were specifically chosen for their expertise with particular disorders. When a practitioner is going to see
a child or an adult with "X" problem, they can turn to the "case" and find up to date critical information to help them understand the issues related to the diagnosis, a brief synopsis of the
literature, the patient's symptom presentation, the evaluation including neuropsychological test results and other results from consultants, along with treatments and recommendations.
Clinical cases represent a long-established tradition as a teaching vehicle in the clinical sciences, most prominently in medicine and psychology. Case studies provide the student with actual
clinical material - data in the form of observations of the patient, examination/test data, relevant history, and related test results - all of which must be integrated into a diagnostic
conclusion and ultimately provide the patient with appropriate recommendations. Critical to this educational/heuristic process is the opportunity for the reader to view the thought processes of
the clinician that resulted in the conclusions and recommendations offered. With the science of the 'disorder' as the foundation of this process, students learn how the integration of multiple
sources of data furthers critical thinking skills. The case study method has rightfully endured because it is such a powerful teaching vehicle.