Student Achievement Series: Fundamentals of Contemporary Business Communication is an innovative textbook program developed in partnership with professors and students to meet the learning,
study, and assessment goals necessary for student success. Student Achievement Series: Fundamentals of Contemporary Business Communication is a streamlined, practical foundations text with an
emphasis on how-to and practical applications. The user-friendly approach focuses on current developments in business communication (with up-to-date examples), coverage of timely and relevant
issues, best practices, and skills development. The text program is supplemented with extensive online resources--including Your Guide to An "A" premium study content--available at the text’s
Online Study Center.Each text in the Student Achievement Series incorporates concise, to-the-point coverage; eliminates extraneous material; integrates pedagogy that reinforces key concepts;
features a strong, supporting web component for review, testing, and assessment purposes; and provides students with real value for their educational dollar. Through extensive research and
focus groups conducted with a diverse cross-section of participants, Houghton Mifflin presents a groundbreaking solution for skills mastery and retention. Feedback from instructors, and
students in particular, has been instrumental in all key aspects of development--from design and layout to testing and assessment to title and packaging. These ideas culminate in a final
product that students prefer, because it accurately reflects the way they learn and study best.