Cross swords with swashbuckling pirates and unravel the mystery of the masked spellcaster in this second book of the Stone of Tymora trilogy.
Though robbed by a masked spellcaster and left for dead by a demon, twelve-year-old Maimun refuses to give up the magic that rightfully belongs to him. After reuniting with dark elf Drizzt
Do'Urden and Captain Deudermont's crew, Maimun sets off on a sea-faring chase that will test both the strength of his spirit and of his friendships. As perilous storms rock Sea Sprite and
vicious pirates bombard its decks, a mysterious force gathers in the Moonshaes, determined to bring Deudermont's ship--and Maimun's quest--crashing to an end on its shores.
In this second book of the Stone of Tymora trilogy, R.A. Salvatore and his son Geno continue their gripping tale of coming-of-age in a world filled with magic, featuring another cameo of R.A.
Salvatore's signature character Drizzt Do'Urden.