Video Boys

Video Boys
NT $ 663


In these days of X-Tube, VideoExpose and even Facebook, it seems everyone is seeking his fifteen minutes of fame. Becoming a porn star is no longer the exclusive right of those picked by the West Coast studios. Now, just about anyone can display his “talents” to the world. There are those who do it for a fee and those who don’t! Some become big stars, and some become legends in their own minds. And the others? They just get into some interesting trouble.

Be careful what you post on the Internet, for it will come back to haunt you. You think you know who is watching, but do you? Do you care? Maybe you want your ex to see how hot you still are, or maybe you want your ex to see whom you are doing!

What if you are discovered? Will you pursue getting paid for what you’ve been giving away for free? Oh, the possibilities.

MICKEY ERLACH knows people who have gone over to the naked side and displayed their wares for the world to see, so he decided the time was right to feature those characters. In true STARbooks Press fashion, he has gathered the finest erotic writers today to showcase those boys who like being caught on tape.
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