Delight in the Delicious Bounty of the Apple Harvest!
Farmstand Favorites: Appleshighlights one of the mostrecognizable fruits from localfarmers markets—apples. Fromtart Honeycrisp to sweet RedDelicious, apples are one of themost
healthful and versatile fruits,and with over 75 easy-to-preparerecipes, you will find delicious andsimple ways to enjoy apples yearround.You will also learn aboutthe best times and places to
lookfor specific varieties, how to bestpick the perfect apple, and how toincorporate apples into any course.
Farmstand Favorites: Apples features easy-to-prepare recipes,including a few all-Americanfavorites, such as:
• Apple Strudel
• Broiled Sirloin with Spicy Mustard and Apple Chutney
• Braised Chicken with Apples and Tarragon
• Turkey-Apple Gyros
• Spicy Apple-Filled Squash
• Apple Honey Crisp with Warm Nutmeg Cream
With a trip to the farmers market and Farmstand Favorites: Apples, you can reap the benefits of a local fruit that, grownwithout hormones and pesticides, provides healthful
nutrientsand a connection to the earth and your community.
Buy Local and Support Your Local Farmer and Farmers Markets
The Farmstand Favorites series was created toencourage buying localand buying fresh. Morethan ever, we strive fora better understandingof where our foodcomes from, and formany of us this
meansshopping at a farmersmarket or farmstand.By supporting your localfarmers and producers,you are also supportinga livelihood which isvital for a healthy,sustainable future.