THE DARK DAYS OF EVE BLACKTHORNA MYSTERY THRILLER BY:THOMAS EMMON PISANOThese things sometimes get out of hand. Crime is surely that way, murder, robbery, the lack of moral judgment. The
in-ability to distinguish between what is truly right and what is definitely wrong. Eve Blackthorn is such a person; she knows not the difference between either of those points on the moral
compass. For instance; she may need money, she will walk into a crowded bank with her army and rob the place of all the cash she and her cohorts can handle. Without blinking an eye she will
steal and in another blink she will kill anyone who would cross her path. Deadly and gorgeous, she is total candy for the eyes, but don't let her looks deceive you she's a deadly sin. Eve
Blackthorn is agile and athletic she can break into and out of anything, but still she cannot sleep, her enemies are hounding her across the world. She is an evil genius and capable of setting
the world on its ear. Her anger could burn the world to the ground. Her hate knows no bounds. One more thing; if you look across the room and see a stunning woman, alone, smiling at you, dark
eyes and evil in a breathless sort of way. RUN!