"The Black Book Of Credit Repair And Dealing With Debt Collectors" contains the most powerful strategies ever released in the US. No attorney or credit repair firm would even admit some of
these strategies exist, let alone using them on your behalf. DiscoverHow to use consumer credit protection laws, without hiring a lawyer, and without going to court!Why it is ETHICAL to remove
bad credit from your file. A simple method to use debt validation to repair your credit. * How to use identity theft to remove negative entries from your credit report.How to use small claims
court to get negative credit entries removed. Usually, you won't have to say a word. This is another extremely powerful strategyThree step by step methods to change your current "CREDIT
IDENTITY." How you can easily STOP debt collectors dead in their tracks, and eliminate them from your life, sometimes even entirely voiding the alleged debt.When debt collectors violate your
due process rights, they open the door to serious legal consequences, including voiding any legal proceedings against you, including Mortgage Foreclosure.violation.There are several dispute
letter templates, including templates for special situations, that you can use to ruin a debt collector's entire week, maybe even causing him to find a new career field. These templates alone
are worth well over $200.